
Choosing broadband plans: factors to identify and compare

November 7, 2013 8:21 pm

Broadband Plans

With so many broadband internet providers out there, it’s crucial that you arrive at the best decision so your broadband connection won’t disappoint.
There are a number of important factors when choosing a broadband connection, including your location. Although cities in Australia are all broadband-ready, regional cities may not have one just yet. Also, not all internet service providers  service all Australian areas. Depending on your location, the list of internet service providers also varies. Aside from identifying your location, it is also crucial to know whether you will be requiring a broadband plan for your personal or business use. Packages and deals for personal and business internet use are different.
Next, you need to identify the kind of broadband internet you plan to have. If your aim is to have a mobile internet connection, the choices are usually trimmed to 2: a post-paid mobile broadband and a prepaid mobile broadband. If you are looking for a fixed line broadband at home or at the office, the choices are usually between fibre, wireless, ADSL and satellite. With the NBN almost into completion, internet speeds for fixed line broadband are sure to increase productivity and connectivity satisfaction.
When choosing broadband plans, it is important that it meets the connectivity requirements that you have. This includes the internet speed, the data allowance and the price. Speeds are quoted differently from one internet service provider to another. In most cases, download speed can range from 12 Mbps to 100 Mbps and an upload speed range from 1 Mbps to 40 Mbps. Know the different online activities that you have. If you are after average internet browsing, emailing, social networking and online shopping, a download speed of 12 to 25 Mbps and an upload speed of 1 Mbps to 5 should be enough to fulfill your activities. On the other hand, if you plan to play online games without buffering, lag-free video chatting or downloading HD movies in less than 10 minutes, a download speed of 50 Mbps to 100 Mbps and an upload speed of 20 Mbps to 40 should be able to work for you.
When it comes to data allowance, most internet service providers offer data allowance from 1 GB to 1 TB. A 1 GB data allowance can keep an average of 250 emails and combined 5 hours of music and video. With a 1 TB data allowance, you can ultimately do and store so much more than that.
After sorting out internet speeds and data allowances, it is imperative to align the budget that you can dedicate to it. Since your internet billing statement is on a monthly basis, make sure that the plan you choose is commensurate with the budget you have allotted.
Take time to study the different factors that will influence your broadband connection. Ask around, research and call internet service providers for details that will affect your decision.


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