
NBN Chief Engineer: SkyMuster a Great Leap Forward for Australia

November 16, 2016 8:46 am

Australia just made a great leap forward when it comes to technology and connectivity.
As reported by the Australian Financial Review, when the nbn® launched the Sky Muster® II via the Ariane 5 rocket last month, it also propelled the country’s overall connectivity and broadband speeds, as it was launched to provide the required speed for 250,000 homes and business subscribed to the nbn®.
According to sources, it will take three to four months for the new satellite to make its full impact, as it is still moving towards its final altitude of 36,000 kilometres above the planet, as well as the nbn® still going through various processes.
National Broadband Network’s chief engineer Peter Ryan said “it is massively important…the Sky Muster service is quite transformational in terms of delivering broadband to remote and regional parts of Australia.”
With this, the satellites are expected to have a combined footprint of around 400,000 homes and businesses, while 250,000 are expected to connect.
Sources say there are currently 30,000 customers connected, which the network expects to go up to 85,000 by mid 2017, and a further increase of 50,000 more next year.
These are all included with Australia’s grand plan of investing almost $2 billion when it comes to improving the state of its internet connection, with the two Sky Musters™, a handful of ground stations and other various expenses.
Arianespace, responsible for the launch, said that the new satellite took months of rigorous testing to ensure everything was perfect and ready to go, as the citizens of Australia deserve no less than perfect connection. With the new satellite internet already up in the air Australia is now making strides.
The NBN’s Sky Muster satellite brings better satellite internet connectivity to regional Australia. To get onboard Sky Muster, call Activ8me today 13 22 88 or visit:

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