
Cessnock moves one step closer to faster broadband

November 17, 2014 1:04 am

towerCessnock is included in the list of Hunter Councils NBN Co is set to work with on the subject of the network design and rollout. Soon, a bigger number of communities across regional NSW will enjoy the benefits of faster broadband.
NBN Co consulted local communities in Hunter including Dungog, Maitland, Port Stephens, and Singleton councils concerning the construction of new fixed wireless facilities. Although the exact number and locations have yet to be finalised, NBN Co’s announcement further shows the remarkable rate at which the rollouts in NSW have been taking place.
Tony Gibbs, NBN Co spokesperson said, “Fast broadband helps give residents access to e-health services, distance education and entertainment on demand and we have seen examples of businesses demonstrating an increase in productivity, reduction of costs and access new markets.”
NBN Co’s fixed wireless network packs impressive general download speeds of up to 25 megabits per second, and upload speeds of up to five megabits per second which, unlike mobile wireless services, is not affected by the number of users moving in and out of the area. It is designed to deliver consistent, reliable, and fast broadband service to a specific number of premises in its covered regions.
There are currently 83,100 residences, farms, and businesses in NSW that are connected to the NBN. An additional 379,000 properties across the state are scheduled for NBN build preparation and construction as well.

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