
Activ8me CEO to attend GrainGrowers Sky Muster® Events Eyre Peninsula 15-19 August

August 12, 2016 11:18 am

sky muster eyre peninsula activ8me graingrowers
Activ8me CEO, Tony Bundrock will be in attendance at the upcoming Grain Growers nbnTM Information sessions across the Eyre Peninsula in South Australia.
The Grain Growers workshops are made possible through partnership with farming system groups and other community organisations. I will be attending along with representatives from nbnco to answer questions about the new nbn®Sky Muster® satellite service.

“I recognise that Rural communities are the lifeblood of Australia.  For too long these communities have suffered from slow Internet. Now with the new nbn Sky MusterTM satellite, communities everywhere can connect to fast Internet service making it possible to access educational content and do everyday tasks such as email, banking and shopping.
In addition, Sky Muster also provides farmers access to range of new digital tools to improve farming operations and yields.”

The meetings provide the opportunity for regional communities to find out not only about the capabilities of the Sky Muster® satellite service but also the Fixed Wireless service which is available in many places across the Eyre Peninsula including Ceduna, Streaky Bay, Haslam, Cummins, Coffin Bay and Hawson.
Attendees will be able to ask questions directly and find out how to connect and the capabilities of this new nbn® service.  Questions can also be submitted prior to the meetingsby email to
The nbnTM “Road Muster” truck complete with nbnTM Sky MusterTM dish and hotspot will be in attendance so that you can connect to Sky Muster with your own smartphone or tablet or watch the Olympics stream on one of the trucks HD screens.

sky muster tailem bend

Grain Growers Session Details:
Port Lincoln – Ravendale Community Sports Centre            8.30am Monday 15 August
Tumby Bay – Tumby Bay Skills & Community Centre           2pm Monday 15 August
Cummins – Cummins Hotel                                                      8.30am Tuesday 16 August
Elliston – Elliston Hotel/Motel                                                 2pm Tuesday 16 August
Streaky Bay – Streaky Bay RSL Hall                                         8.30am Wednesday 17 August
Ceduna – Ceduna Hotel                                                            2pm Wednesday 17 August
Wudinna – Wudinna Community Club                                   2pm Thursday 18 August
Kimba – Gateway Hotel                                                            8.30am Friday 19 August
Cleve – Cleve Hotel                                                                   1.30pm Friday 19 August

I will be in attendance to answer all your questions about the new Sky Muster® satellite service, help you get connected to fast nbn® Sky Muster® Plans, and provide the best nbn® Internet deals for your area.

Tony Bundrock, CEO Activ8me

The nbn® Sky Muster® satellite brings better satellite Internet connectivity to regional Australia. To get onboard Sky Muster®, call Activ8me today 13 22 88 or visit:
@activ8mesocial @Grain Growers
#activ8me #skymuster #remoteaustralia #PortLincoln #TumbyBay #Cummins #Elliston #StreakyBay #Ceduna #Wudinna #Kimba #Cleve

About Activ8me
Activ8me is Australia’s largest retail satellite broadband service provider, having connected more than 40,000 customers to their satellite broadband service. They have since expanded to become an official retail service provider of the National Broadband Network servicing regional Australia with the nbn® Sky Muster® Satellite, nbn® Fixed Wireless, and other nbn® Internet plans.
Come and see us to find out about fast connectivity solutions for remote towns and settlements..
Fast nbn® broadband Internet provides countless benefits for Australians.  Activ8me can provide you with the right advice to connect you to the nbn®. To find out more about Sky MusterTM, go to
To order type your address in the “Get Deals” box or speak to our 100% Australian staff on 13 22 88.

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