
Businesses Have Three Years to Migrate to an NBN Service

March 14, 2017 10:09 am

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The nbn® recently announced that businesses have three years to migrate to an nbn® service if still subscribed to a “legacy” business internet plan. These plans are: Asynchronus Transfer Mode, Integrated Services Digital Network, and Broadband Digital Subscriber Lines.
According to ARN Net, nbn® is working closely with customers and a handful of industry groups that aim to develop a series of Temporary Special Services whitepapers detailing the new disconnection dates for businesses.
In a statement, the nbn® said

“We encourage businesses to talk to their internet service provider as well as the providers of their special services to make a plan to successfully migrate as soon as possible.”

On the other hand, the standard 18-month migration period remains the same for businesses to move internet, landline and other services to the nbn® network.
Ben Salmon, nbn® executive general manager of business products and services, said businesses due for disconnection in November 2018 will have greater leeway for their disconnection window.

“We have temporarily extended the migration window to three years for all businesses which are scheduled for disconnection before November 2018.”

Ben Salmon, nbn® executive general manager via ARN Net

He clarified that migration is a process and can take time, which is why the nbn® wants to make sure businesses have enough time.
For regional businesses wanting a fast, business grade internet, the nbn® offers fibre to the node plans carried by nbn® retail service providers.
Fast nbn® broadband Internet provides countless benefits for Australians.  Activ8me can provide you with the right advice to connect you to the nbn®.
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