
How Broadband is Helping Aussies Get the Most of the Festive Season

January 2, 2017 11:40 am


The Christmas season has ended, and there’s a chance yours was made better by the nbn®.

According to Technology Decisions, a research report by the nbn® found Australian Internet usage was up by 30% this past holiday season.
Access to a speedy and stable connection made many Australians happy and allowed them to connect with far away loved ones during festivities.
Additionally, the study says a whopping 84% of Australians ranked spending time with family and friends as their number one priority over the festive season. Over 33% surveyed used video calling or chat applications to connect with loved ones in far away places, and over 50% posted on social media.

“In the past, being connected during the holiday season meant physically having to travel to be together. Technology has broken down the limitations of time and distance by allowing us to connect with friends and family from the comfort of our own home, allowing us to avoid missing out on precious memories. Time-poor Aussies are turning to tech to help them discover new ways of preparing for the festive season by streaming video tutorials and avoid the mad shopping rush by buying their holiday groceries online.”

-Chris Riddell, a digital technology futurist

Fast Internet connection has helped regional and rural Australians this holiday season, courtesy of the recently launched nbn®  satellite internet, Sky Muster®.
Spending time with loved ones during the holidays is a norm practiced all over the world and with the use of technology, distance is but a word.
The nbn®‘s Sky Muster satellite brings better satellite internet connectivity to regional Australia. To get onboard Sky Muster, call Activ8me today 13 22 88 or visit:

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