
Bombala Next in NBN Fixed Wireless Rollouts

November 23, 2014 9:44 pm

nbn fixed wirelessConsultation for the construction of fixed wireless facilities are underway in Bombala, taking residents a step closer towards super fast broadband. Considered to be one of the most sophisticated in the world, the fixed wireless network can deliver speeds of up to 25 megabits per second through advanced 4G technology. It can achieve speeds that top those of ADSL networks.
Upon completion, the network will have the capacity to accommodate multiple HD videos to be played and streamed all at the same time. The fixed wireless network will also enable residents to have fair access to eHealth and distance education services.
Dr. Peter Hendy, Member for Eden-Haro said that the progress of the construction of the fixed wireless facilities demonstrates the Coalition Government’s consistency on delivering on its pledge to get the NBN rollouts back on course.
The frustration with the NBN was that having promised so much, Labor delivered so little. This was particularly true in the bush where the fixed wireless rollout was proceeding very slowly and the interim satellite service was over-subscribed,” Dr. Hendy said.
There are currently 132,634 premises with access to the services, making the reach of the fixed wireless network increase threefold since the election in September.
The outlying vicinities in both the Bombala and Delegate areas will begin to receive NBN fixed wireless broadband services as a result of the communication consultation across Eden-Monaro.

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