
Board Members of Internet of Things Alliance Australia Appointed

December 22, 2016 8:35 am

IoT South Australia
With the formation of the The IoT Alliance Australia (IoTAA) laying the groundwork of the Internet of Things (IoT) in Australia, the IoTAA have formally appointed the board members that will head the IoT alliance.
Below is the quick reference from the IoTAA board member’s page:

Mr Gavin Smith

President and Chairman of Robert Bosch Australia, a regional subsidiary of the global Bosch group.

Prof Bronwyn Harch

Executive Director of the Institute for Future Environments (IFE) and Professor of Applied Statistical Science, at QUOT.

Ms Johanna Plante

Chairperson of Australian Communications Consumer Action Network (ACCAN).

Nicole Lockwood

Chair of the Freight and Logistics Council.

Stuart Waite

20 years’ experience in digital media that spans from start-up investor, advisor, entrepreneur and digital transformation consultant.

Warren Lemmens

ICT expert across the Asia-Pacific region.

“Our key challenge is to encourage understanding and collaboration across industry, government, research and communities. Only by doing this will we accelerate IoT innovation and adoption, and contribute to economic prosperity and social benefit in Australia.”

– new IoTAA chairman Gavin Smith

The IoTAA spans over 450 active members and 200 actively collaborating organizations across Australia.
The IoT Alliance Australia was formed as an independent, not-for-profit that aims to define the IoT eco-system, informing and enabling companies to take advantage of opportunities offered by IoT technology and services –  increasing Australia’s innovation, productivity and economy.
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