
Australia Projected to be Most Connected Continent by 2020

April 18, 2017 11:35 am

Having a strong internet connection makes it possible for Australians to be more productive.
As the National Broadband Network (nbn®) rolls toward its completion in 2020, coupled with the advancement of technology, internet connectivity has been the focus of the country’s economic development. It is now being incorporated in different aspects of everyday living. By 2020, Australia is predicted to be the world’s most connected continent according to a new report.
The report, dubbed ‘Gen NBN: 2020 and Beyond’, predicts that drones, 3D printers, Virtual/Augmented Reality, and home automation are going to be incorporated in residential and business areas as part of day to day activities.
It also said that there will be more than 50 billion devices or apps with the function to connect to almost anything, from the fridge door to home security systems. However, this will only be possible once connected to an internet source, such as the nbn® framework.
Lead researcher Liam McGee said the massive nbn® project will make Australia the most connected continent in the world due to its broadband access, affordability, and speed tiers by the year 2020.

In the twenty-first century, connectivity has become a new kind of capital, more valuable than natural resources and industrial manufacturing, as digital services driven by access to the nbn® network are predicted to boost Australia’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by around 2 per cent every year by 2020.”  

Liam McGee via the NBN Co website

McGee also shared insights to Women Love Tech regarding the completion of the nbn® rollout.

“Our research shows this will help to build a stronger national economy, provide better career pathways, optimise the delivery of innovative healthcare services and implement sustainable futures for our cities and regional towns,”

McGee said via Women Love Tech.

The study also revealed predictions regarding many tech topics. It noted there will be an increase in digital application in fields such as healthcare powered by advanced video conferencing systems and 3D printing. By 2025 there will be a possibility of using big data to foresee widespread disease outbreaks, and by 2030, 3D printing will be upgraded to able to produce medical aids and prosthetics.
There will be a shift in the workforce demand as connectivity is driving innovation in different sectors, including science, technology, engineering, arts and maths, health, education, and technical services. Businesses will also flourish from the increase in connectivity as the nbn® network will help the success of home-grown startups.
By 2030, there may be an increase in online educational resources and services, offering diverse teaching methods. Connectivity is being prioritised by the nbn® to help the country develop.
The availability of fast nbn internet plans out in the market allow Australian homes to be connected to the internet and all its benefits; namely allowing flexible working environments, online gaming, web shopping and access to educational resources.
Fast nbn® broadband Internet provides countless benefits for Australians.  Activ8me can provide you with the right advice to connect you to the nbn®. To check availability, go to or speak to our Australian staff on 13 22 88.

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