
Aussie Farms in Need of Tech Savvy Innovators

March 17, 2017 3:36 pm

farmer-tractorIf you’re a tech-savvy innovator, the Australian agriculture industry needs YOU.
As the country’s agriculture grows and develops new technology and innovation, fresh graduates of any tech-related courses are needed and welcomed by the industry, as reported by The Sydney Morning Herald.
According to sources, this is the result of new cutting-edge machinery used on farms everywhere, implemented to combat the shortage of manual labour providers, as well as to reach the goal of becoming Asia’s food bowl.

“For the first time in many years, we’re finding it easier to attract graduates because agriculture, particularly technology in agriculture, is back on the radar.”

Felicity Hennessy, GM of innovation and Agribusiness Ruralco via SMH

Ms Hennessy’s statement came as a reaction to young potential recruits dissuaded by the typical image of Australian agriculture and farming. Fortunately it’s changing, as the marked acceleration towards automation has generated the interest of young professionals. Jobs range from developing crop-protecting drones to data crunching of cattle nutrition.
Ms Henessy said, “The proliferation of drones and sensors are the key drivers”, and added that Ruralco’s graduate program recently saw a rise in the number of applicants.
Furthermore, new degrees from universities have also been developed such as agriculture science degrees, taken by students with or without any farming background.
One student, Michael Forrai, had never set foot on a farm and did not expect to pursue an agricultural-related study, let alone work on a farm.
Forrai said he sees this innovative boom the agri-industry is currently experiencing as an amazing opportunity and made up his mind to pursue agricultural robotics.
With the National Broadband Network (nbn®)  target of 2020 to complete its broadband rollout, it can complement the country’s agricultural industry innovation rise.
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