
Agricultural Region soon to benefit from fast Internet

March 3, 2015 9:20 pm

man with laptop
The Agricultural Region has been included in the next rollout phase of the National Broadband Network, giving fast and reliable Internet access to nearly 21,000 homes and businesses in the area.
The rollout expansion marks the company’s all-new and flexible MTM (Multi Technology Mix) approach and is a vital step in its goal to reach eight million connections to the NBN come 2020.
Hon Martin Aldridge, Nationals Member for the Agricultural Region, was delighted by the announcement which was recently made by NBN Co’s Peter Gurney. He said that the Agricultural Region’s Internet connection was not enough and that it was in need of improvement.
Mr. Aldridge was also quoted as saying that this is exciting news for towns included in the rollout, as construction is set to begin over the next 18 months. He said that it is important to improve technology and Internet speed since it plays a role in enabling people in the Agricultural Region to get the most out of business, education, and entertainment advancements.
The towns of Cervantes, Dongara, Geraldton, Jurien Bay (and surrounds), Leeman, and Lancelin (and surrounds) in the Agricultural Region have been included to NBN Co’s rollout list, and are scheduled for construction before June 2016.
NBN Co’s forward plan is to be updated every three months to give the public more details on its construction schedule prior to the rollout activity that’s set to take place in the next quarter.

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