
AgDATA Wins Google's Innovation Competition

January 9, 2017 1:42 pm

AgDATA, a family-owned, tech Company focusing on agriculture technology, won the big prize at Google’s Innovation Competition.
According to the Canberra Times, the software company was founded way back in 1984, specialising in farm management software products and this humble company, beat nine other businesses in the Regional Australia Insititute and Google Australia’s 2016 Regional Online Heroes competition.

 “We’re a little bit humbled and surprised by the award. The feedback we had was because of what we do, being software development in a regional centre and because we’re servicing remote locations, that impressed the judges. It’s fantastic to see a regional business leading the way in digital innovation for agriculture, which is set to play a huge role in the future of our economy. AGDATA has grown from a small family start-up to a valuable national asset, demonstrating just how important regional businesses are to our nation’s prosperity”

-Founders Glenn Skermann

It’s amazing to think that this small company, which is run by only 18 staff, won this prestigious award.
When asked if they want to leave their hometown, Mr Skermann adamantly said no. He further added that there’s no need to leave at all since their hometown, Toowoomba, just opened a brand new airport last year, making travel in and out of the area easier.
Furthermore, Skermann said that improvement in regional communications due to the increasing Internet speed also helped the company thrive, but added that he wants to see the nbn rollout become faster.
Fortunately, the National Broadband Network is in full rollout mode as it has served countless areas, especially remote and rural areas. With that in mind, continue to expect more rural businesses to thrive.
Fast nbn® broadband Internet provides countless benefits for Australians.  Activ8me can provide you with the right advice to connect you to the nbn®. To check availability, call Activ8me on 13 22 88 or go to our homepage

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