Activ8me Connects 2,000th customer to nbn® Sky Muster® Satellite
June 23, 2016 2:23 am
Sky Muster installations helping connect rural and remote Australia
On Tuesday 21st June, an Activ8me customer located in Yowah, Queensland became Activ8me’s 2,000th active customer on the new nbnTM Sky MusterTM satellite.
Activ8me are pleased that the installations are continuing at a steady rate. Whilst, it took 5 weeks for the first 1,000 installations, the second thousand installations were completed in just 3 weeks.
“It’s great that we have been able to work with nbnTM to get 2,000 customers installed and operational so quickly after the Sky MusterTM launch. It’s been a magnificent start for Activ8me and we look forward to working with nbnTM to increase the rate of installations in the coming months.
Sky MusterTM offers a much improved service over existing satellite technologies and we can see that by the fantastic feedback from our installed customers.” said Activ8me CEO Tony Bundrock.
Activ8me’s first official installation took place on 2nd May, so in under 8 weeks we have be able to get over 2,000 customers connected.
Activ8me have many more customers who have placed orders we are working with nbnTM to get these customers connected in an efficient and timely manner. However, it is a monumental task to connect so many properties in regional and remote Australia and it will take several more months yet.
With the Sky MusterTM installation rate increasing, Activ8me expect to have the next 1,000 customers installed very, very soon.
There are over 400,000 premises eligible for Sky MusterTM satellite. If you have yet to sign up to a Sky MusterTM service with Activ8me, you can do so by calling 13 22 88. If you would like more information on the nbnTM Sky MusterTM Satellite service you can visit