
NBN passes 5 million installations milestone

June 9, 2017 2:02 pm


NBN Co have just passed another milestone, with over 5 million Australian properties now able to order an nbn® service to their home. The organisation was relying on the rollout of their Fibre to the node technologies to help close in on their target (5.4 million premises ready for service by June 30, 2017), and this has proven successful, with the 5.4 million goal looking to be a given.

Nbn Co have also set a goal to connect over 8 million homes and businesses to the various forms of technology by 2020. Currently only 2.2 million are connected, and many potential consumers claim they don’t know much about the technology or how to connect.

“The NBN network is being deployed faster than ever with an average of 250,000 premises made serviceable each month this year so far,”


The nbn® are currently connecting around 130,000 new premises each month, each signing up to a service with an RSP such as Activ8me. The nbn® uses a mix of technologies to roll out the network more quickly, and many users are unsure of both their form of technology and what to expect from it.

Websites such as Activ8me give every user the ability to search their own property and discover both the expected technology and when their home will be able to be connected to the nbn®. Earlier this year, NBN Co released this information for all of Australia, whereas previously it would only let you know if you were due to be connected in the near future.

This new milestone passed allows future users to feel confident that the nbn® will be reaching everyone by the 2020 end date set by NBN Co, and means that the 5 million capable of connecting are able to do so earlier than expected.

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