
3 Ways to Cut Down Your Phone Bill

May 26, 2017 4:19 pm

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When was the last time you investigated how much you spend each month on your phone bill?

Although many Australians have moved away from having an active landline, instead relying on mobile, there are still many that have both. This leaves them paying two phone bills a month, something that is becoming less necessary.
It’s easier than ever to make cheap and even free calls from home using your home internet connection and services like apps or VoIP – here’s a few ways you can save on voice calls.

  1. Wi-Fi calling direct from your phone

Most carriers have recently begun offering Wi-Fi connected calling to help those in mobile reception blackspots. This functions as a normal call would but uses your home internet connection.
There’s still a few issues around this new technology, with it only currently available on relatively new smartphones (Samsung and Apple) and those updated to the newest operating systems. There is also not currently a way to force your phone to use solely wi-fi to call, as it will only kick in when the signal is deemed too weak.

2. Apps

Apps like Skype, Viber, WePhone and Whatsapp have been allowing voice calls over internet for a long time.

Most will only allow you to call app-to-app for free, meaning the other person must also have the app installed and active, but Skype also allows users to buy credit to call directly to phone numbers around the world, which works out cheaper, especially if you make regular international calls.

3. VoIP

VoIP services allow you to make and receive calls using your home internet connection, by using a standard handset and a piece of equipment called an ATA box. With line rental (at Activ8me) starting from only $5 a month, many people find this a cheaper and easier alternative to paying for their own separate landline account. You can even keep the same phone number!

Australians finally have alternatives to costly landlines, and an alternative available for those who struggle in black spots and areas with low reception – these developments of products and resources give people options to find what works for them.

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